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While developing the Ta'agra language, we decided the Khajiit needed a system of writing as unique and interesting as their language. The Ta'agra script was heavily inspired by Arabic, Devanagari (Hindi), and Mongolian scripts. The Ta'agra writing system is written left to right, top to bottom, in a cursive style. Ta'agra does not have upper (majuscule) and lower (minuscule) cases.

In the Ta'agra alphabet (with the exception of "j") each letter makes only one unique sound, classifying it as an alphabetic writing system. In Ta'agra, a single letter is used for "ai", "ay", "ch", "rr", "ss", "sh", and "th" even though these are represented by a pair of letters when written in English.

Letters take on different forms depending on its position in the word (initial, the beginning of a word; medial, within a word; and terminal, ending a word). Some letters have natural breaks in the script (such as "t") and allow a small gap between letters, which is distinguished from a larger space that separates words. These forms of each letter are largely open to personal interpretation and may vary greatly from individual to individual. In fact, artistic modifications and calligraphy are highly praised by the Khajiit and might be considered an expression of the Two Moons Dance.

Ta'agra also includes elemenets of an abugida system. In particular, the vowels for "a", "ai", "ay", and "u" are given equal weight as consonants. The other vowels, however, are expressed more as diacritics. The initial and terminal forms of "e", "i", and "o", are treated as diacritics to the nearest letter. The medial forms of these characters, as well as the character for a glottal stop, are given less weight than a consonant, but nonetheless stand on their own as characters.


English IPA Ta'agra
Sample Notes
a a aho "ah"
ai aito "eye"
ay e ayto "ay"
b b beh
ch t͡ʃ cho
d d doh
e ɛ eho "eh"
f f fi
g g geh "guh", never makes a "jay" sound
h h hih
i i iho "ee", never sounds like "hit" or "hike"
j d͡ʒ * * joja *Special: When "j" is the first letter of a word it always sounds like "job"
j ʒ * joja *Special: When "j" is not the first letter of a word it always sounds like "vision"
k k ket
l l lih
m m mo
n n nin
o o ohi "oh", never sounds like "hot"
p p poh
q q qehi Similar to K but deeper in the throat
r r roh r's in Ta'agra are trilled (rolled)
rr r: arroh An drawn-out purring form of the single "r"
s s sahi "s", never sounds like "z"
ss s: assih A drawn-out form of the single "s"
sh ʃ shari "sh"
t t tef
th θ thato "th", always unvoiced like "bath", never voiced like "bathe"
u u uho "oo", never sounds like "uh"
v v voji
w w wehi
y j yoh
z z zayak
' ʔ N/A N/A dok'hai Glottal stop


Letters English Sound Notes
kh Softer K sound
jh Softer J sound
aa Drawn out "ah"
ee Drawn out "eh"
ii Drawn out "ee"
oo Drawn out "oh", does not sound like "food"
uu Drawn out "oo"


Punctuation Script Notes
. Period
, Comma
? Question mark